Workrite Advantage Single Mouse Under Board 2144 Combo with 17" or 22" Pinnacle 2-Value Arm
Keyboard Platform features:
- Ultra-Thin Platform for maximum knee clearance
- Includes the Optimizer with built-in document holder and integrated cord management
- Removable LeatheRite palm support
- Available in black only
Mouse Platform features:
- Swivel-out mouse platform stores under keyboard when not in use
- Advantage Single converts from right to left handed mousing with simple tool
- Advantage Dual includes both left and right hand platforms
- Mouse-trap keeps mouse in place
- Mouse platforms slide to adjust to Mouse-Forward position for improved comfort
Keyboard Arm features:
- Pinnacle 2™ Value Arm with 17" or 22" nylon glide track
- Height range: flush to 6" below the worksurface
- Tilt range: -15° to +10°
- 360° swivel-easy positioning and storage
- No-knob, no-lever Lift-n-Lock™
- Maximum knee clearance
- Tools are required to relocate mouse pad from right to left handed mousing